Proxyt полірувальна паста, дрібної зернистості, дрібнозерниста

181.000 ₫

proxyt   proxyt Proxyt fine without pumice is suitable for polishing tooth surfaces as well for cleaning top-quality restorations and implants. The paste is gentle to the gums

proxyte Proxyt® Polishing Paste Single Dose - fine For polishing both natural teeth and restoration and prosthetic work. Contains optimized formula, so that paste Ivoclar - Proxyt Proxyt prophy pastes provide a gentler way to clean teeth. The fine Proxyt paste allows you to keep restorations and implants shining with a

proxyte Proxyt 80 g. Brand: Ivoclar Vivadent. Proxyt 80 g. : Price inclusive of 8% GST. Read more. Type. Proxyt Prophy Paste Fine – 80gm : Prophy pastes with defined abrasion values for cleaning and polishing teeth and restorations.

proxyt Proxyt pastes - targeted, gentle, reliableThe new Proxyt pastes clean more effectively, yet still very gently. Unnecessary abrasion of tooth structure or Proxyt fine without pumice is suitable for polishing tooth surfaces as well for cleaning top-quality restorations and implants. The paste is gentle to the gums

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